Our baby turned 3 today. Happy Birthday, Li'l B!!!
God has such a great sense of humor. I have to honestly admit Farmboy and I were looking upon adopting a 2 yr old with a
hint of trepidation. Seriously, when we first learned of our little dear, we had to double check with our case worker about the age, hoping we were mistaken, and she was actually almost 3, rather than almost 2 at the time. I know, I know, lots of people LOVE that age. The younger the better, stuff like that. Uh, not so much for us. We are so much more drawn to a bit older, just connect so much more easily to older children. Hey, with our first adoption, we specifically requested age 3 or older. But, we KNEW she was to be a part of our family and trusted that God would help us parent our little 2 yr old. Hmmmm, is that why God made this whole thing take so dang long? Yes, I am being a bit trite. There has been a massive amount of aching and longing for her as we waited and waited....and
SHE HAD TO LIVE OVER A YEAR WITHOUT HER PARENTS. Heartbreaking. But, I also see a glimpse of His best. Of course, yet again, God knew what He was doing all along.
Well, sweetie, happy 3rd birthday!